Physical Exams
Physical Exams in Atoka, OK
Rely on a licensed physician when seeking a physical exam, whether your goal is to qualify for licensing and accreditation purposes or to find out what your overall health looks like.
Physical exams performed by a real physician
Honest, thorough, and discreet service

Physical Exam Services
At Pritchett Health & Wellness, we provide comprehensive physical exam services to meet a variety of needs, ensuring that you or your loved ones are in optimal health for school, sports, employment, and insurance requirements. Our physical exams are thorough, professional, and designed to detect any potential health concerns early while meeting the necessary documentation requirements for your specific purpose.
Physical Exams for
Sports teams
Life insurance
Each exam includes a detailed review of medical history, vital sign measurements, vision and hearing checks, and any additional screenings necessary based on the purpose of the exam. We work efficiently to provide fast, accurate results while ensuring you receive the personalized attention you deserve. Schedule your physical exam today with Pritchett Health & Wellness and take the next step in meeting your health and wellness goals.